What is meant by depression?
There are two types of depression. The first includes occasional periods of feeling
emotionally discouraged or irritable. This kind of depression is usually
short-lived, lasting from a few hours to a few days. Nearly everyone experiences this from
time to time.
The second type of depression is more serious. It is characterized by symptoms that
persist over an extended period of two weeks or more. |
How can you tell that a person is having an episode of severe
Symptoms of depression include lethargy, insomnia or sleeping more than usual, fatigue,
difficulty with concentration and memory, chronic unexplained aches and pains, appetite
disorders, anxiety, and a general lack of interest in day-to-day living that does not
abate over time. People with depression might feel mildly down in the dumps or unable even
to get out of bed. More progressed cases can prompt thoughts of suicide. |
Why do people get depressed?
Depression can result from genes that cause a biochemical imbalance in the brain.
Sometimes a death in the family or a sudden illness maybe responsible. Certain
medications, such as beta blockers for hypertension, can have depressive side effects. |
How can depression be treated?
Most cases of depression can be easily treated by these three methods:
Support from Family & Friends: Since depression is most often a psychological
problem precipitated by worries or problems in the family and one's personal life, what is
needed is understanding and support from friends and family.
Psychotherapy: When the problem is not settled by just family support, then
professional psychotherapy is advisasble.
Antidepressant drugs: These are very effective. Studies indicate that drug
therapy alone relieves symptoms up to 80 percent of the time. The medications are not
addictive and have few side effects. Some drugs used to treat depression may cause nausea
initially. It would be ideal to use a combination af all these where the symptoms are
severe. |
When does one seek professional help for depression?
It is common for a person to feel depressed from time to time. It's a normal human emotion
when, say, one loses a job, or a loved one dies. But when these feelings and other
unexplained causes of grief don't lift over time, a person should seek professional help.
Once you recognize symptoms of depression, and these persist continually for more than two
weeks, you should consider talking to your doctor for an assessment. A physician
might temporarily prescribe an antidepressant medication to enhance your ability to
Antidepressants are generally nonhabit forming and often prove to be very helpful. A
mental health professional will help you to pinpoint life stresses, identify problematic
patterns, and help you work out a healthier approach to dealing with them.
As always, surrounding yourself with supportive family, friends, instills hope and fights
the tendency toward isolation that is prevalent with depression. |
See also: Depression and Diabetes |