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Problems |
SeniorIndian.com |
Is yellowing or dryness of the skin normal in old age?
Yes, wrinkling, sagging, laxity, dryness, yellowing & pigmentation are all common in
old age. |
Are these induced by the sun or other external factors?
While most of the reasons for the skin changes are genetically determined and intrinsic to
our body, some conditions such as yellowing (Citrine Skin of Milan) are usually
sun-induced. Some problems are caused specifically by UV radiation. |
Can some of these changes be prevented or reversed?
Yes, it has been shown that to some extent certain medicines when applied regularly can
prevent or remove wrinkles and thicken the dermis. But, they have to be used for several
years and may cause skin irritations. Please consult a skin specialist before applying
them. |
What are the common skin problems of the elderly in India?
The following are the common skin problems faced by the elderly in India. (Please
consult a skin specialist before starting any treatment. The information provided is only
meant to be a guide.)
- Erysipelas: This is an infection caused by Streptococcus bacteria. The
disease starts abruptly with fever and rigors and raised red plaque. This has to be
treated with antibiotics like Penicillan otherwise it may cause serious complications
especially in Diabetics.
- Scabies: This is a disease caused by an itch-mite. It may present as a
few papules in the penis or scrotum with generalised itching, or maybe spread all over the
body when the infection is severe. It is usually treated with Gammabenzene hexachloride
and Pyrethrin.
- Fungal Infections especially in the groins are quite common and treated
with medicines like Tolnaftate.
- Herpes Zoster is the most common viral infection in old age. It is a
sequel to Chicken Pox that occurs in younger age. This spreads along the area supplied by
a particular nerve. Sometimes, over the chest or near the eye, there maybe excessive pain
restricted to one side of the body. Then, groups of blisters may appear. The most
problematic situation is when the neuralgia (pain along the nerve) persists long after the
skin lesions have healed. Treatment is with tranquilisers, anti-depressants. Vit-E
Ointments may also be prescribed by the skin specailist. Sometimes when pain is
intractable, surgery maybe required.
- Eczema: This is a conditon where the skin reacts usually to cold
weather by blistering, oozing, scaling or thickening. It is usually present on the feet
and legs and is treated with steroid applications. The condition usually improves when the
weather is normal.
- Pruritus: This is a common problem in the elderly presenting with a dry
skin and severe itching. It is aggravated by hot baths. The itching is more in the
nights. It maybe a sign of other diseases in the liver, kidneys and so on. So it is very
important that all skin problems should be attended to promptly by a skin specialist.
- Pemphigoid is a disease exclusive to the elderly. Large blisters and
bullae may appear for about 1-3 years after which they spontaneously remit. This is a type
of auto-immune disease.
- Pellagra: This is a condition caused due to deficiency of Niacin which is a vitamin essetial for the body.
Diarrhoea, Dementia and Dermatitis are the presenting problems. The skin on the hands,
forearms, V of the neck and the face is most often affected. Weakness and depression
should not be mistaken for senile dementia. ITreatment is with Nicotinic Acid which gives
dramatic improvements.
- Tumours of the skin may occur in old age but details of these are as of
now beyond the scope of this website.
creams are very popular now. |
Always consult a specialist for
your skin problems. |
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