What is Alternative medicine?
In most of the modern world, medical treatment is by allopathic medicine and surgery. So,
all other forms of medicine are generally grouped under the term "alternative
medicine". But, in India, a large portion of the population still follows ancient
systems of medicine such as Ayurveda and Unani. So, it would not be absolutely correct to
say that they could be categorised as alternative medicine.
Other than Allopathy, the types of treatment followed are:-
Ayurveda, Unani, Acupuncture, Siddha, Homeopathy, Pranic healing, Reiki and others.
Holistic medicine attempts at the physical and mental well-being of a person as a whole,
and not just treatment of any particular organ or disease. |
What is the method of practice in these systems?
Some of these systems use herbs, extracts and so on. With the knowledge passed from times
immemorial the patients are treated with extracts of many naturally occuring substances.
Physiotherapy and massage with herbal oils plays a major part in these forms of treatment.
Restricted diet and avoidance of certain types of food is common practice. Others like
acupuncture stimulate certain specific points in the body to have a desired physical
effect. Yet others believe in using the power of the mind of the patient to control one's
physical problems. This is done by creating positive vibrations. |
Can one resort to these forms of treatment?
Many people in India follow the Indian system of medicine with success. But in instances
where there are acute infections or medical emergencies, it would be advisable to
resort to the conventional system of medicine and surgery. The keywords to remember are:
Knowledge and common sense. Most often, dietary regualtion and healthy practices like
breathing exercise and avoidance of smoking & alchohol themselves have a beneficial
effect while following alternative medicine. For eg; salt restricted diet can reduce
simple hypertension. "Miracle Cures" are just that! We have heard of people with
AIDS becoming HIV negative or those suffering from advanced stages of cancer reverting to
a healthy state after being treated by alternative systems. But, unless these are proved
by scientific methods, one cannot comment on them.
Even when you follow any of these systems, it is advisable to follow just one system at a
time so you will know whether they are effective or not. |


Alternative Medicine? Better do it for long term care than for Emergency Treatment |