Is it safe for elders to undergo Surgery?
While it is beyond the scope of this web-site at the present time to go into the details
of various surgical conditions that the elderly may be faced with, it must be said that
with proper pre-operative and post-operative care, pre-operative assessment and the skills
of an experienced surgeon, the elderly person can safely undergo surgery for problems that
are best corrected by surgery. |
Can Surgery be put off till a suitable time?
Many common problems like Hernia, Hydrocele, Prostatic
enlargement, Piles and Cataract can be corrected effectively
only by surgery. So there is no point in putting it off for fear of undergoing the
surgery. Infact if one keeps postponing the surgery and complications develop, then
emergency surgery has greater risks. But ofcourse, one can take some time to undergo an
elective surgery, after discussing with the surgeon, and fixing a date that will be
convenient for both. |
What are the common investigations that an elderly person will be
asked to undergo to find out whether one is fit for sugery?
The common tests that are done as part of a pre-operative assessment include:
- urine analysis
- blood test
- ECG (Electro-cardio-gram)
- X-ray Chest
- tests for kidney function
- tests for liver function
- Echo-cardiogram, ultrasonogram, C.T.Scan in selected cases.
What are the general post-operative complications in the elderly?
Post-operative care reduces the chance of complications. Proper fluid balance and
nutritional support are very essential. The common complications are
- Acute confusional state, which may be due to infection, dehydration or lack of proper
blood circulation to the brain.
- Infections of the chest, urinary tract and the surgical wound.
- Fluid electrolyte imbalance
- Prolonged bed rest may lead to bed sores, constipation, depression and deep vein
thrombosis. Early ambulation and the role of physiotherapy in the convalescing period
cannot be over emphasised.

Age by itself is not a bar
for surgery. |

By undergoing Elective
Surgery one can avoid emergency surgery |